50 Ton chiller systems

choose your configuration​

Whaley Products, Inc. has 50 ton chiller systems in a variety of configurations with options and customizations to fit many needs. Most popular are the SA models - packaged unit with a reservoir, supply pump and circulation pump all in one. You can also have the condenser outside, and the pumps and tank inside with our SAR split system. There's a configuration to fit your needs - or we can design a custom system just for your heat removal needs.

50 tons of cooling

10-Ton Cooling Towers

50 ton chilling systems

50 Ton Chiller Standard and Optional Features

50 Ton Chiller Systems Options

Contact Us Today About 50 Ton Chiller Systems!

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Simply fill out our form, or give us a call at 940-569-4116.

At Whaley Products, Inc. we manufacture quality industrial chiller systems and cooling towers for a wide range of processes and applications. We also offer flow and pressure analysis services to ensure your equipment and piping design function as intended.   A commitment to precision engineering and innovative design have made Whaley Chillers the choice of Industry Leaders.

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