Designed to be Efficient and Dependable
Building Circulation Loop Skids (BCLS) manufactured by Whaley are typically designed to serve central chilled water application loops for mostly comfort cooling and heating applications. Utilizing a factory assembled BCLS allows key line components to be pre-mounted, plumbed, and wired on a skid upon arrival at the job site which can significantly reduce the amount of field labor required for an installation. Control panels and electrical disconnects on a BCLS can be designed to any UL standard to meet an applicationās specifications. Close coupled or split coupled pumps, expansion tanks, filter feeders, air-dirt separators, isolation valves, check valves, expansion joints, electric-actuated valves, variable frequency drives, remote monitoring, and building management system integration are just a few of the configurable design elements available. The completed skids can typically be installed indoor or outdoor and can be designed for water application or a water/glycol mixture.